Implants for the toothless jaw – Put the bite back into life!
Implants for the toothless jaw – Put the bite back into life!
If all or almost all of your teeth are missing in the lower jaw, you can still laugh with implants. As few as two to four implants will be enough to fix a full denture firmly in place. Dentures are fixed with special retainer systems consisting of two components. One part is permanently attached to the implants, the opposing part is integrated into the denture.
When the denture is placed in the mouth the two components are joined just like pressing a button: your denture is firmly fixed. It can be removed for cleaning at any time.
With at least six implants a bridge can also be permanently anchored to your jaw. The denture is so firmly fixed that the supporting pink denture plastic is not required. In the upper jaw the gum remains free from prosthetic material in any case.
You can be quite sure that nothing will come loose under any circumstances. Your implant-borne third set of teeth allows you to eat, talk and laugh just as if you still had your second set.
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Lower-jaw denture in four implants

The denture is firmly fixed

In the upper jaw: bridge on six implants

Laugh, eat, talk without difficulty – with a “fixed” third set of teeth